Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Editorial - Mr. Lazio’s Bid for Attention - NYTimes.com

Editorial - Mr. Lazio’s Bid for Attention - NYTimes.com

The Times once again shows their ignorance. Lazio is right this Mosque is an affront to all Americans and the Times cannot see through their ideology. It doesn't matter that upwards of 60-70% of Americans have an issue with this mosque, we are all the idiots and the enlightened ones are represented in the minority.
Cuomo should be looking into the funding and I hope he is doing so behind the scenes.

The Times should be concerned about anther Cuomo running the State. I thought after GWB the Times would be anti legacy candidates.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mosque - Google News

It is a sign of the times and lack of leadership that this is even a debate. The Mosque is obviously being constructed to antagonize the American people and our leaders should oppose it current location. As a New Jerseyan I am extremely disappointed by our "Conservative" Governor Christie who has been evasive at best regarding this issue, again his ability to "Straight Talk" has left him.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Gov. Christie appeared at events with N.J. group that skirts campaign finance rules, records show | NJ.com

I am a conservative who would like to see the Governor succeed. He needs to be accountable and to lead, the behavior described in this article does not match his tough talk in public. It may be legal, but he needs to stop reading his press clippings and realize he does not walk on water.

Honduran man is arrested for alleged Bernardsville home burglary, attack | NJ.com

Honduran man is arrested for alleged Bernardsville home burglary, attack NJ.com

This is a reason why the Arizona law is so popular. Now we will wait and see as more facts role in, but I will go out on a limb right now and say that an immigration violation played a role in this story. Could Bernardsville be the town that presses Governor Christie to weigh in on this issue? He has not been willing to talk at length about his view on the immigration crisis and how it affects New Jersyans.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Another Sign the Country is in Deep Trouble

Very troubling. People should have to pay taxes, they benefit greatly but contribute nothing in federal income tax. The Democrats are expanding the welfare state for political gain.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Volcker: Taxes likely to rise eventually to tame deficit | Reuters

And here comes the VAT! No doubt this is a trial balloon being floated and most likely will not happen, but it is instructive as it demonstrates the philosophy of this administration, punitive taxes and agresssive growth of the federal government. Volcker: Taxes likely to rise eventually to tame deficit
| Reuters

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Powder-Laced Letter Sent To Weiner Not Hazardous - wcbstv.com

Hate doesn't need to be stoked, bad policy begets an upset public. Hate is a strong word. People are upset with a President and a congress who have not built consensus and instead steam rolled the minority party. Powder-Laced Letter Sent To Weiner Not Hazardous - wcbstv.com

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama 'dumped him for dinner' - Times Online

This is the type of behavior that will eventually lead Sec. Clinton to challenge Obama in a primary. She is waiting for a situation where she can create seperation with Obama and justify a challenge.Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama 'dumped him for dinner' - Times Online

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundationtest


I have never been so disgusted with Washington in my life. If this bill passes, for the first time in my life I will not be proud of my country! I believe that we should have a safety net for the less fortunate, but for the rest of us we should be willing to pay for our own healthcare above the 5 or ten dollar co pay. I just watched a woman argue on MSNBC (was inadvertent remote malfunction) that abortion needs to be covered why can't a woman pay for an "elective" abortion. In this country we have lost sight of the value of healthcare and healthcare providers because so many in Washington and others around the country believe it should be free. We need to go to a consumer centered approach to healthcare.