Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Editorial - Mr. Lazio’s Bid for Attention - NYTimes.com

Editorial - Mr. Lazio’s Bid for Attention - NYTimes.com

The Times once again shows their ignorance. Lazio is right this Mosque is an affront to all Americans and the Times cannot see through their ideology. It doesn't matter that upwards of 60-70% of Americans have an issue with this mosque, we are all the idiots and the enlightened ones are represented in the minority.
Cuomo should be looking into the funding and I hope he is doing so behind the scenes.

The Times should be concerned about anther Cuomo running the State. I thought after GWB the Times would be anti legacy candidates.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mosque - Google News

It is a sign of the times and lack of leadership that this is even a debate. The Mosque is obviously being constructed to antagonize the American people and our leaders should oppose it current location. As a New Jerseyan I am extremely disappointed by our "Conservative" Governor Christie who has been evasive at best regarding this issue, again his ability to "Straight Talk" has left him.